Case Study

The impact on a district

Allow new development for a public interest organization.

The Numbers


Months of collaboration


of success on this service

The Story

Offering residents the opportunity to contribute to community engagement and strengthening social inclusion are good assets for being able to initiate a charitable process.
This is how with this community association we were able to apply our complete process, and thus offer a first-class quality of support.
During the 4 phases included in the process, and once the analysis was carried out, the work of putting together the file took place over a period of more than 8 weeks. We identified the need to prepare the managers and took advantage of this period to carry out coaching in order to properly integrate their future status, to understand and anticipate the requirements, particularly during reporting.

The Neftis approach

Preparing for new opportunities


One of the structuring aspects of this project was born classification of activities that we led in full collaboration with the organization, which had the aim of better clarifying the perspectives. The application file is thus more efficient and communication with partners, donors as well as future funders facilitated.

Les Résultats

Une meilleure fluidité dans les échanges entre la direction et le conseil d’administration est apparue suite aux séances de travail en groupe et en individuel. Reprendre les fondamentaux d’une gouvernance, aligner les membres du C.A. sur la mission, les valeurs et la vision a été un déclencheur.

Notre service de recherche de sources de financement a permis d’ouvrir de nouvelles opportunités structurantes, définir un nouveau cadre et développer un réseau de partenaires. Ses perspectives favorisent le renforcement du positionnement de l’organisme en tant qu’acteur du développement économique sur ses territoires.

La complémentaires des services de NEFTIS a pris tout son sens en terme d’organisation, de finance, de bienfaisance et enfin d’une image renforcée grâce à un positionnement mieux défini.

* We take our customers’ privacy seriously. Although we don’t name them, the results are real.

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Case Study

Charitability for the public interest


Charitable Status


Image Strategy

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